in May 3, 2006, IRPS members (Aditya Dwi Laksana, Indra Khrisnamurti and Soni Gumilang) organized a visit to the Medan Railway area (North Sumatra)
Aditya Dwi Laksana (IRPS) and Indra Khrisnamurti (IRPS) give a IRPS souvenir to Esman Lubis (Chief of 1st Region Public Relations, North Sumatra and Aceh division)
pose in front of BB301 39 locomotive at Medan Station. from left: Esman Lubis (PT KA staff), Indra Khrisnamurti (IRPS), Aditya Dwi Laksana (IRPS), Soni Gumilang (IRPS) and Saragih (PT KA staff)
pose at Medan station. from left: Aditya Dwi Laksana (IRPS), Sihite (PT KA staff), Indra Khrisnamurti (IRPS), Soni Gumilang (IRPS), Esman Lubis (PT KA staff) and Juarno (PT KA staff)
pose in front of the Pulu Brayan locomotive repair facilities/workshop
the Sultan Deli luxury car
the interior of the Sultan Deli luxury car
the interior of the Sultan Deli luxury car
pose at Rantau Prapat station
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